How many times have your heard the phrase... "the stuff legends are made of?"
Wilderness Whitetails has a number of legends. We don’t know just how many but they are legends just the same. We call them our Legendary Bucks. There are some old bucks, 7, 8, 9 years old that have only rarely been seen either on trail camera or by one of the guides who just get a quick look at them. They have been hunted and hunted hard since they were only three or four but they continue to elude our hunters. Some of these old bucks go nocturnal as soon as hunting season begins. Others intuitively know how to avoid hunters during daylight hours. Some hide out in the swamps on the property. Others are just plain lucky or smart.
Our deer were all born here on the property and know every square inch of it. They’re wild and smart. The Legendary Swamp Bucks normally live through the season, outsmarting our hunters and our guides yet again. Every once in a while one of them will make a mistake in the presence of a hunter....but not often. Some just die of old age. Hunters who request to hunt one of these incredible Legendary Bucks, often go home empty handed. Such is life! There are no guarantees that you will get the buck you want every time....specially when you set your sights on one of our crafty, old Legendary Bucks.
Once in a while one of our hunters scores on a Legendary buck, Such was the case in 2013 when our hunter Jack finally caught up with one of the Wilderness Whitetails Legendary swamp bucks. This impressive 211-4/8” SCI non-typical buck had been hunted hard for six years. Jack’s big buck was nine years old! Jack is either really lucky, or really good!
In mid-November, 2012, one of our hunters took this monster Legendary Buck, a 284 4/8” SCI with 29 scorable points. It was during the peak of the rut and the big buck was chasing a hot doe and he made a mistake. This massive buck was never seen by a hunter before he was taken. Any one of our hunters would have been overjoyed to have harvested this gorgeous deer.
Click here to view the Legendary Bucks Gallery.